Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Amusing video of Royals manager Hal McCrae (1991-1994) going crazy.

According to Wikipedia...
"While managing the Royals, McRae was involved in an infamous incident after a game on April 26, 1993 (a 5-3 loss against the Detroit Tigers) in which he lost his temper with reporters and trashed his entire office, throwing things off of his desk including a phone, which cut a reporter on impact, and yelling profanities at reporters."


Jasonik said...

If this is real, then this is one of the best sports moments ever. Better than the moments of various early 90s Mets throwing firecrackers at people and shooting super soakers full of bleach at reporters. Good times.

Sarah McG said...

it says no longer available :(

Sarah McG said...

just kidding! that man is a loon! his last comment is the best.